I have started a great book called Mathematics Through the eyes of faith and I am very excited in this endeavor. I have always been interested in the intersection of faith and mathematics but also frustrated and cautious with it. I struggle with many of the questions that the book posits in its opening chapter. It be written in a way that seems childish or lame, but it still asks the ancient questions. I seem to see things like Kepler and believe that mathematics is discovered, but I love what the author had to say about Augustin.
One of the questions I had after the chapter was if, or how has mathematics been corrupted by the fall? We as Christians tend to believe that everything both humanity and the earth was effected by the fall. If so, then how has mathematics, or reason for that matter been tainted? Could mathematics be the only thing that has not been?
I hope the book begins to talk about Axioms and their role in mathematics both at low and high levels.
Well, the first chp was thought provoking and I look forward to the next.
I am excited to hear your thoughts on this book. I hope to read it and hopefully give some insight as well!